Cognos Cloud Migration – Expected Downtime Tonight Friday (11/17) 8pm – Saturday (11/18) 12pm

Dear Colleagues, 

The Cognos Cloud migration efforts will begin tonight – therefore all reports using the Cognos reporting tool will be unavailable starting at 8PM tonight through tomorrow around noon. 

This downtime will affect all reports using Cognos – some examples are: 

  • Award Transaction Summary 
  • CG Workload Report
  • Institutional Review Queue
  • Awards by Campus Reports

The migration should conclude by Saturday (11/18) at noon – at which time, the system will be back up and reports will be available. 

Please note that if you have any bookmarks saved for any Cognos reports, you will need to update them. If you attempt to access Cognos using the old link address, you will be re-directed to the new url. 

Please let the ERA Team know if you have any questions. 

Thank you,

The ERA Team

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