Animal Rights Activity on Campus Today


Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)

Animal Rights Activity on Campus Today

Please be aware that an animal rights group, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) will be on campus today at Aldrich Hall today from 11:00am to 4:00pm.

Note: Avoid actions that generate unnecessary attention. The group’s displays should be treated in the same fashion as any other visiting group.

Please remain vigilant, especially as you enter and leave animal-use spaces, including vivaria and laboratories.

Security guidelines are available on the IACUC website. Attached are two PDF documents you may use: 

  1. A poster with guidelines for responding to suspicious activity, protesters, vandals, or phone calls requesting information about animal research at UCI.  Feel free to print out this poster and share it with laboratory members, teaching assistants in classes that utilize vertebrate animals, and any administrative staff who may receive inquiries about animal research from the media or the public.  It may be useful to post this sign near laboratory or office phones for quick reference.
  2. Authorized Personnel Only” sign for posting on the doors to your laboratory and other animal-use areas.

The key to ensuring personal safety and laboratory security is to be prepared for any scenario.

Campus Security, University Communications, and ULAR management are on alert and ready to respond in the event of anti-animal research activity.

Report any suspicious activities and security/personal safety concerns to UCI Police:

911 for Emergencies

(949) 824-5223 for non-emergencies, available 24 hours (campus and medical center)

Communications, assistance with responding to questions about your research:

Michael Uhlenkamp
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Communications & Media Relations

Strategic Communications & Public Affairs

Phone: (949) 217-8446

Animal facility issues:

Dr. Claire Lindsell
Director of University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR)

Phone: (949) 824-0569

General ULAR phone number: (949) 824-7788






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