Dear Cayuse 424 Users,
Please see the message below regarding an NSF Opportunity in Cayuse (PD-14-7909) that is due today. Please use Opportunity PD-15-7909 instead as that is the correct opportunity for this calendar year. Otherwise you will receive an error upon submission.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jonathan K. Lew, MPA
eRA Officer
Sponsored Projects Administration
UCI Office of Research
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Dear Cayuse 424 Customers,
Product Support has received multiple calls about the NSF Opportunity PD-14-7909 titled “Nano-Biosensing”, due today. Clients are reporting that proposals submitted with this opportunity number are getting bounced back from NSF with a message that this is the incorrect opportunity package for the application. The text received from NSF is as follows:
"The NSF team has discovered that your recent Submission (RGOV000000935) was submitted to an archived opportunity therefore it cannot be processed and must be resubmitted. Please submit to the opportunity for this calendar year which is PD-15-7909 and is available on"
Please note: NSF has not marked the opportunity as expired or archived, which means that the incorrect opportunity will still show as valid in Cayuse 424. We have reached out to NSF to find out why this opportunity has not been archived.
You must submit using opportunity number PD-15-7909. We recommend using the Transform function in Cayuse 424 to make this process easier. Instructions for using Transform can be found here. Once you have transformed the existing proposal to the new package, you will need to review the forms and validations. The form set in the new package is not the same as the old package!
If you have any questions or need assistance, please open a ticket at the HelpDesk here.
Your Research Suite Experts,
Desiree & Evisions, Inc.
DesireƩ Gregory
Evisions | Product Support Manager
(503) 297-2108 Ext. 226
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