KC Deployment: Wednesday, 10/21

Dear Kuali Coeus Users,


Kuali Coeus will be unavailable, Wednesday, 10/21, from 8:00-8:30PM for the monthly deployment. 


Functional changes of interest are based on the recent restructuring of Sponsored Projects Administration. Reference the SPA org chart.  


·        Updated departmental assignment webpage

o   The current page: https://apps.research.uci.edu/orastaff/staff.cfm?view_department=spda will be decommissioned and a new page will be available for determining who to contact regarding a particular item. The new URL for the page will be disseminated as we approach the deployment on Wednesday evening.

o   Departmental assignments will be based on Lead Units in Kuali Coeus. From the dropdown, choose the desired unit and the results will show five (5) officers assigned to that unit. One for Federal, Non-Federal, Industry Clinical Trials, Industry, and Principal Officers.

o   A description of each Officer group is displayed on the page


·        New proposal routing rules

o   Based on specific criteria entered into the KC proposal development document, the proposal will route to one of the newly established routing groups: Principal Officers, Federal Officers, Non-Federal Officers, Industry Clinical Trials, or Industry Contract Officers.

§  An ERA Officers group is used as a backup group in the event that KC doesn’t recognize the routing rules.

·        Because the sponsor code is critical to the routing, if the code in KC is listed as 009850, Miscellaneous, then the proposal will route to the ERA Officers group in order to manually redirect the proposal to the appropriate group.

§  Because the group will be calculated systematically, there is no longer a requirement for the Initiator to choose a Team Assignment on the Document Overview panel on the Proposal tab and that field has been removed.

o   The new group will be displayed in the Future Actions panel on the Route Log on the Proposal Actions tab upon first save of the proposal:




o   Instead of the Team listed in the Preliminary and Institutional Review Queue, it will now be the Group

o   An assigned / reviewing officer will be established at the time the proposal enters the Preliminary Review Queue

§  The SPA C&G Analyst conducting preliminary review will edit the Reviewing Officer if appropriate.





Please contact me if you have any questions on the functional changes in the 10/21 deployment.


Remember to save your work often!




Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Assistant Director

Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

5171 California Avenue, Suite 150

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789 Fax: 949.824.2094


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To learn more about KC and to stay connected with the latest developments, please sign up for the KC-project listserv by sending a blank email to kc-project-join@uci.edu


Sign up for the SPA listserv emailing: or-spa-subscribe@department-lists.uci.edu“>or-spa-subscribe@department-lists.uci.edu or or-spa-join@department-lists.uci.edu“>or-spa-join@department-lists.uci.edu.


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