Dear Colleagues:
The message below from Vice Chancellor Khargonekar regarding the implementation of the revised Principal Investigator Eligibility and Project Leadership policy and procedure was sent to Vice Chancellors, Deans and ORU Directors yesterday. With the implementation of this policy, principal investigator eligibility will no longer be part of Contract and Officers’ proposal review. The approval of the Dean or ORU Director of a proposal in Kuali Coeus/Kuali Research will signify that the Principal Investigator(s) is eligible to submit the proposal or an exception has been approved.
Effective July 10th, the PI Exception Search web service on the Office of Research website will be decommissioned. The ERA team will work with OIT to pull together a list of individuals in schools and units that have been granted exceptions for your use. We will disseminate the list as soon as its available.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Nancy Lewis
Executive Director, Sponsored Projects
Sponsored Projects Administration
UCI Office of Research
141 Innovation, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
PH: (949) 824-2897
Fax: (949) 824-2094
Please contact OR Operations @ (949) 824-7295 or to coordinate meeting requests.
On July 1, UCI will implement revisions to UCI Policy and Procedure Section 480-5 “Principal Investigator Eligibility and Project Leadership” along with a new companion procedure Section 480-5.1 “Principal Investigator Eligibility Exception Requests”. Earlier this year, the Office of Research began the process of reviewing and revising Section 480-5, because it had been more than ten years since it was last reviewed. During that time, many changes have occurred both at UCI and within the sponsoring agency community.
I am extremely grateful the Associate Deans for Research and the Council on Research, Computing and Libraries for the comments and feedback they contributed. Through this consultative process, UCI will benefit from a modern policy and procedure that will support the expansion of our research enterprise.
Please see below for a brief summary of key changes and additions. Also, please share this notice broadly within your coordinating points.
Summary of Key Policy and Procedural Changes and Additions
- The revised policy recognizes that a project may have more than one PI.
- The revised policy introduces the concept of Lead PI, which was added to address certain sponsor policies that limit project leadership to only the individual(s) listed in the award document.
- The revised policy includes a project leadership section that links PI responsibilities to key UC/UCI policies, addresses leadership of multi-PI projects and affirms that UCI will associate all PIs listed in a proposal with the resulting award.
- The new procedure establishes campus procedure in light of IDA 569, which delegated authority to the Deans to approve policy exceptions regarding PI eligibility.
Pramod P. Khargonekar
Vice Chancellor for Research