Dear Colleagues,
As part of the KR Award project that is going live on Monday, 10/14, we are switching all of our reporting sources from internal, legacy applications to Kuali Research. The Contract/Grants AdHoc Query found under the Sponsored Projects section of will be taken OFFLINE today, 10/11, at 5PM. We are taking this opportunity to rebuild and enhance the query using BLISS 2.0, also known as DWQuery.
The work on rebuilding the query is currently underway, andanticipated to be available near the end of the 2nd quarter, December 2019.
The data found on the Zot!Portal OR Decision Support tab called “Awards by Campus Area ” will remain up and includes award transactions that were finalized through 09/30/2019. If you have a data need while the query is offline, please contact us at .
Please let me know directly if you have any questions.
Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA
Director, Electronic Research Administration
UCI Office of Research
141 Innovation, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
Ph: 949.824.4789
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