Dear users,
The issue with viewing attachments has been resolved.
Please try to access your documents now – and let the ERA Team know if there are still any issues.
Thanks for your patience!
The ERA Team
From: OR – Electronic Research Administration
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2025 9:12 AM
To: Office of Research Electronic Research Administration <>; OR – Sponsored Projects Administration <>; Griselda Duran <>; Bing Alice Han <>; Johnny Ochoa Luna <>; Vivian Situ <>; Mary Geraldine Bones <>
Cc: OR-DL-ERA-Team <>
Subject: Attachments Link on ATS is currently NOT working
Importance: High
Dear users,
The link to view documents on the ATS is currently not working. You will be taken to an error page indicating you don’t have access – it’ll look something like this:
We have our IT group looking into this right now. We will send another notification out when things are fixed.
If you need a particular document immediately, please send an email to with the Award # or KR Doc # and which document(s) you need.
Thank you!
The ERA Team