Dear Kuali Coeus Users,
The following tips are regarding the use of Sponsor Codes in your KC proposal development document:
Tip #1 – Submitting a Sponsor Code Request
All proposals submitted through KC must indicate a Sponsor. When searching for a Sponsor using the Sponsor Lookup tool, be sure to use the wildcard (*) function to maximize your search results. If you cannot find the sponsor you are looking for, you will need to submit a request for a new sponsor code by clicking the New Sponsor Code Request link in ZotPortal:
When completing the request form, please be sure to include the following information:
– Sponsor Name
– Sponsor Type Code
– Address
– Point of Contact
– URL for Sponsor’s Website
Once the information is received, SPA will submit the request to the UC Office of the President (UCOP) for their review & approval – which can take up to two weeks to complete. This leads us to Tip #2…
Tip #2 – Miscellaneous Sponsor Code
As mentioned in Tip #1, all proposals submitted through KC must indicate a Sponsor. But what if you are waiting for a Sponsor Code to be approved by UCOP? Does that mean you have to wait until the code is approved before you can submit the proposal into workflow to be reviewed and approved?
The answer is “No!” A pending Sponsor Code request should not hold up the submission of a KC proposal through workflow. If you are waiting for the approval of a Sponsor Code, use the Miscellaneous Sponsor Code as a ‘placeholder’ while the KC proposal goes through workflow. The Miscellaneous Sponsor code is: 009850:
It is recommended that you indicate in the Explanation box on the Proposal Tab that a Sponsor Code is pending approval. This will let everyone in workflow know why the Miscellaneous code is being used.
Once the Sponsor Code is approved by UCOP, SPA may return the KC document to the Initiator as a minor edit so the Sponsor can be added.
As a reminder, the next eRA Office Hours session is scheduled for next month on Tuesday, September 1st from 9am-12pm in AIRB 1020. Feel free to come by any time during this period for one-on-one help involving any eRA system. This is a great opportunity for hands-on training & assistance for anyone that is new in your department or in need of a refresher in using different eRA systems such as, but not limited to, Kuali Coeus, NIH eRA Commons, or NSF Fastlane.
In addition, as we begin implementing Cayuse 424 as an alternative to filling out the SF424 for submissions, an overview and demo will also be provided. Please register for the Office Hours if you are interested in getting a sneak peek at Cayuse424. Future training sessions covering Cayuse424 will become available as we move forward in rolling out the system.
Sign up on the UCI UCLC website by searching “office hours.”
If you need training prior to the next scheduled eRA Office Hours, please send me an email and we can schedule a separate time for training.
Thank you!
Jonathan K. Lew, MPA
eRA Officer
Sponsored Projects Administration
UCI Office of Research
5171 California Avenue, Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
To learn more about KC and to stay connected with the latest developments, please sign up for the KC-project listserv by sending a blank email to:
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