*Cayuse 424 Offline Update* Should be back online by 12:30PM

Dear Cayuse 424 users:

Cayuse has identified the issue that has caused the downtime this morning. They are working on the fix and expect the system to be fully functional by approximately 12:30PM.

We’ll send out a final notification once everything has been confirmed to be functioning correctly.



Jonathan K. Lew, MPA

eRA Officer

Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research



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Greetings Cayuse User Community,

Our SaaS Operations team has identified and implemented a fix for the issue identified this morning that is preventing customers from accessing the Cayuse Research Suite. As of 10:45AM Pacific time (1:45PM ET), they are completing final checks to ensure stability moving forward and have begun bringing everything back online.

Final checks and the process to bring all systems back online are estimated to take about 90 minutes, which means we anticipate access to the Research Suite will be restored by approximately 12:30PM Pacific time (3:30PM ET). If this estimate changes, we will notify you immediately. 

We know several of you have proposal submissions for today, and everyone is working with that deadline in mind. I will send out a final communication once everything is back online and confirmed working.

Your Research Suite Experts,
Desiree & Cayuse, LLC

Desiree Gregory
Product Support Manager
503-297-2108 x201



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