CALL FOR PROPOSALS US Department of Defense (DOD) HBCU/MI Science Program

The US Department of Defense (DOD) has announced the HBCU/MI Science Program call for proposals (FOA W011NF-18-S-0006). As a Minority Serving Institution, UCI is eligible to apply for this opportunity.

The purpose of this program is to 1) increase the research and educational capacity of HBCU/MIs, and 2) to foster workforce diversity and entry of underrepresented minorities into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) discipline.

Award Information

Through this competition, DOD intends to award approximately $25 million. All awards will be made by the U.S. Army Contracting Command-Aberdeen Proving Ground on behalf of the ARO as project grants. Each grant will be fully funded for a performance period of 36 months in an amount no less than $100,000 and no more than $600,000 (total of direct and indirect [facilities and administration] costs). No applications for renewal or supplemental awards will be considered. Cost sharing or matching is not required under this FOA and is not an evaluation factor.

This solicitation invites applications for acquisition of equipment/instrumentation to be used in research areas of interest to the following DOD Agencies and to further the education of student in those areas:

  • Army Research Office: Select “Broad Agency Announcements” in the “For Researcher” section. See the most recent ARO Core Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Basic and A lied Scientific Research.
  • Office of Naval Research: Select “Contracts and Grants”, then “Solicitations”, and then “Funding Opportunities” to see the Long Range Broad Agency Announcement for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology, BAA N00014-18-S-B001
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research: See Research Interests of the Air Force Office o Scientific Research available at:*%20

An application may request a single item of equipment/instrumentation or multiple items, including items of equipment/instrumentation that comprise a “system” for common research purposes.

All equipment/instrumentation proposed for acquisition must be intended for use in research or research education at UCI. No costs may be requested for collaboration with other institutions.

For more details, please consult the full FOA, found here:

Internal Application Process

UCI may submit only 3 proposals, therefore interested applicants are asked to submit the following materials to the Office of Research (via the UCI Review application portal) by Friday, June 29, 2018:

  • 2-3 page project summary that describes:
    • How the requested equipment/instrumentation will enhance research capabilities in the area(s) of interest of the targeted DOD Agency(ies) and/or what new capabilities will developed in those areas by the acquisition of the equipment/instrumentation.
    • Impact of the requested equipment/instrumentation on student participation in the described research.
  • 1 -2 page description of the equipment/instrumentation, including the manufacturer and model number, along with a detailed plan for maintenance and operation after the 12-month award period.  Please also indicate where the equipment/instrumentation will be physically located.(Please note a detailed quote from the vendor is not required at this time)
  • 1 page preliminary budget estimate of equipment costs and any additional costs (e.g., necessary training, travel).
  • CV’s or bio-sketches (no more than 2 pages each) of the primary researchers who would be using the equipment on a regular basis.

If more than 3 applications are submitted via the UCI Review portal by June 29, as expected, an internal review will be conducted.  The full FOA may be found here:  For questions about the internal review process, please contact Greg Ruth at

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