Name the New UCI IRB + hSCRO System: Please Complete the Poll! (LINK CORRECTED)

Institutional Review Board
Human Research Protections (HRP)


Name the New UCI IRB + hSCRO System: Please Complete the Poll!
December 4, 2024

Colorful question marks

HRP is continuing efforts to onboard Huron IRB + hSCRO for our anticipated launch at the end of calendar year 2025.

We’re now brainstorming names for the new system and would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Please take a moment to complete the poll below. The names listed in the poll were suggested by our current system users. We can’t wait to hear from you!


Should you have any questions, or have an idea not shown in the poll,
please reach out to:

Beverley Alberola at“>, and/ or
Jessica Sheldon at“>


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