Dear Colleagues:
Please see the below message and attached workbook from UCOP regarding the UC Laboratory Fees Research Program RFP.
Please contact Jeff Warner if you have any questions.
Greg Ruth
Office of Research
From: Amy Gee [] On Behalf Of RGPO Contracts & Grants
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 12:22 PM
To: RGPO Contracts & Grants <>
Cc: RGPO-UCRI-SA <>; Kathleen Erwin <>
Subject: UC National Lab Collaborative Research & Training Award Applicants: IMPORTANT APPLICATION UPDATE
Importance: High
Dear SPO, Contracts & Grants, and Lab colleagues,
We sent the following email today to Principle Investigators with approved Letters of Intent to the Collaborative Research and Training grants of the Lab Fees Research Program. The proposal deadline is August 4. Because the error noted below has the potential to display incorrect total project costs in the Budget Workbook summary tab, we are copying your office on the email and attachment. We hope this communication will facilitate submission of budgets that use the corrected template.
We apologize again for the error and look forward to receiving proposals.
Dear 2017 Lab Fees CRT applicants,
It has come to our attention that the Budget Workbook, provided in the Application Materials on proposalCENTRAL (pC), contains an error in one of the formulas on the Budget Summary tab. This error causes the Lab Indirect Costs on that tab to be incorrectly summed for budgets that include Los Alamos or Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, which leads to incorrect values for the displayed overall project costs. A corrected Budget Workbook is attached to this email, and is now available on pC for download.
Please use this correct template for your submission. Please note that Tabs 2-14 of the Workbook have not changed. If you have already download and completed the prior version of the Workbook, values can be copied directly in to Tabs 2-14 of the revised version. If you have already uploaded your Budget Workbook into pC, you must replace your file with an updated version.
We apologize for our error and any confusion or inconvenience this may cause, and thank those of you who brought it to our attention.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
RGPO on behalf of UC Research Initiatives
Research Grants Program Office (RGPO)
University of California Office of the President
300 Lakeside Drive, 6th Fl
Oakland, CA 94612