Tips for Avoiding Delays in Submitting Federal Funding Proposals

A Message from the UCI Office of Research re: Research Securiy & Integrity Compliance

Tips for Avoiding Delays in Submitting Federal Funding Proposals

The August 1st implementation of new Senior/Key Personnel certification questions will soon be here. Below are some resources and tips to make the new Federal Funding Proposal Review process smoother as we work together to help ensure that UCI submits complete and accurate federal (and federal flow through) proposals.

  • All Researchers and Research Administrators are encouraged to visit and review the information on the Federal Funding Proposal Review webpage, which includes FAQs, flow charts, key definitions, etc.
  • Senior/Key Personnel
    • Keep an eye out for email notifications that include a personalized link to the certification questions.
    • As you answer the KR PD certification questions, compare any “Yes” responses with your biographical sketch and other/current & pending support information to ensure that those documents are up to date – discrepancies between proposal information and certification question responses may lead to proposal submission delays.
    • Keep updated personal records of all activities, affiliations, relationships, etc. with foreign entities and regularly update your biographical sketch and other/current & pending support with new information.
  • Kuali Research (KR) Proposal Development Initiator
    • Start the KR proposal application as early as possible. Be sure to list all senior/key personnel and select the “Notify All” button on the Personnel Tab to send a personalized certification questions link to each Senior/Key Person.
    • Be prepared to send your own e-mail reminders to Senior/Key Personnel who have not completed their certification questions, and/or select the “Notify All” button to send out another message from KR to those who have not yet completed their questions.
    • If time allows, for individuals who said “Yes” to any of the certification questions, compare KR PD responses to biographical sketches and other/current & pending support (if required to be submitted with the proposal) and request revisions if you identify any discrepancies. Resolving discrepancies before submitting the proposal into the institutional review workflow can facilitate institutional review and avoid proposal submission delays.

Research Engagement & Compliance (REC) and Electronic Research Administration (ERA) will hold office hours from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM on 7/19/2023 and 7/26/2023 to help answer your questions and demo how the new process will work in KR PD. Please use this Zoom link at those times to attend the office hours.
In the meantime, please email your questions to and/or visit the Federal Funding Proposal Review webpage.

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