Dear Department Administrators,
We have been developing a system for subawards in which you’ll be able to get a ‘synopsis’ for the agreement as well as access to the subaward documents. This system will be similar to the current Award Transaction Summary that you’re already using – but instead will be for subawards.
Before we deploy the system, we would like some department administrators like yourselves to preview the report and provide feedback on what you find helpful or may need improvements on. I will be scheduling a couple Zoom meetings where I’ll be sharing my screen to show you the report and then you can provide and/or send in your feedback.
To schedule a time where we can accommodate those interested, please complete this doodle poll for availability. Select all the times that you are available:
Please complete this by COB tomorrow so that I can schedule the meetings.
Thank you!
Jonathan K. Lew, MPA
eRA Officer
UCI Office of Research
141 Innovation, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
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