Start Using the New National Science Foundation Financial Disclosures (Form 900 and 900SR) Now
Implementation Date: September 1, 2015
The Office of Research updated UCI’s policy to be consistent with the updated UC Policy on Conflict of Interest and National Science Foundation (NSF) Awards. The NSF Disclosure Form 900 was updated and a new NSF Disclosure Form 900SR for Subrecipients/Non-UCI Investigators was created to reflect the updated NSF Policy. The new forms are available now at:
Beginning September 1, 2015, any proposals with the old NSF disclosures will still be submitted, but the Principal Investigator will be required to submit another set of disclosures utilizing the new version of the NSF Forms. To avoid collecting two sets of disclosures, we recommend using the new versions of the NSF Forms now. The new version of the Form 900 will be accepted prior to September 1st.
The updated NSF policy is available at:
Main Policy Changes:
<![if !supportLists]>1. <![endif]>Removed the requirement to disclose managerial positions in outside entities related to the research project
<![if !supportLists]>2. <![endif]>Removed the references to the Public Health Service (PHS) since PHS now has its own policies and procedures
For more information, please visit: or contact Nadia Wong, COI Administrator, at or Amy Green, COI Analyst, at