“Quick Guides” for the Administration of Federal Awards

“Quick Guides” for the Administration of Federal Awards

OMB Uniform Guidance

In late December 2014, a single set of federal Office of Management and Budget regulations — known as “Uniform Guidance” — took effect. These govern the administration and auditing of federal awards. With the implementation of Uniform Guidance some of the regulations and requirements in key administrative areas — such as budgeting and costing, equipment management and disposition, sub-recipient monitoring, and procurement — have changed. To help the campus community identify and better understand these changes and their impact on UCI’s federal grant management practices, the UCI Uniform Guidance Steering Committee has created two “quick guides” that highlight the most substantive and impactful changes related to the budgeting and charging of costs to federal awards and the use, management, and disposition of federally funded equipment:

This quick guide covers the major changes involving the treatment of costs for the purpose of developing proposal budgets and charging such costs to federal awards. The guide addresses new practices regarding the treatment of administrative and clerical costs, computing devices, participant support costs, and food costs, among other changes. http://www.research.uci.edu/uniform-guidance/docs/ug-budgeting-and-charging-quick-quide.pdf

This quick guide walks users through the new procedural requirements associated with the ownership (title), initial and continued use, and disposition of equipment purchased using federal funds. In particular, this guide explains the new conditional title to equipment implemented by Uniform Guidance and its impact on UCI’s equipment management practices. http://www.research.uci.edu/uniform-guidance/docs/ug-use-and-disposition-of-fed-funded-equipment-quick-quide.pdf

The regulatory changes introduced by Uniform Guidance are not limited to these two areas. As new Uniform Guidance requirements are implemented, UCI will adjust its policies, procedures, and practices to ensure continued compliance. These changes will be communicated in additional quick guides and campus information sessions.

UCI Uniform Guidance Executive Committee:

James W. Hicks, Ph.D.
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research

Wendell C. Brase
Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Business Services

Meredith Michaels
Vice Chancellor for Planning and Budget


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