RPPR Module and Training Webinar Available to NIH Grantees

Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Module and Training Webinar
Available to NIH Grantees


Important Points: The Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) is an
initiative to establish a uniform format for interim performance
reporting on Federally-funded research. On October 19, 2012, all grantee
institutions will have access to the NIH Research Performance Progress
Report (RPPR) for most Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (SNAP)
and Fellowship awards.

The use of the RPPR is not required at this time and grantees may
continue to use eSNAP or paper submissions as appropriate. However, NIH
expects to require use of the RPPR for most SNAP awards and Fellowships
in the Spring of 2013, and to pilot the RPPR for non-SNAP awards during
calendar year 2013.

Please be aware that for a particular progress report, grantees should
decide which progress report format they will use (RPPR or eSNAP) before
starting the process in the eRA Commons. Once a progress report has
been initiated as either an RPPR or an eSNAP, the only way to change the
progress report format is with the assistance of the eRA Help Desk at
Commons Support (1-866-504-9552 or commons@od.nih.gov).

On October 17, 2012, the NIH Office of Extramural Research will provide
training for grantees on use of the NIH RPPR eRA module. This webinar
is designed for those who are responsible for completing and/or
submitting progress reports to NIH through the eRA Commons. The
registration information is provided in the Guide Notice.

Training materials and other resources are posted on the NIH RPPR
webpage http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/rppr_pilot_institutions.htm

Should you have any questions regarding this Notice, please contact your
Contract and Grant Officer
http://apps.research.uci.edu/orastaff/staff.cfm?view_department=spda .

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