Revised Guidelines for Submitting Proposals to Sponsored Projects (SPA)Effective June 1, 2015After an extensive review, which was informed by input from across the campus, the Office of Research has made changes to the Guidelines for Submitting Extramural Proposals to Sponsored Projects Administration for Institutional Review. The revised version of the Guidelines is available here and is applicable to all proposals with a sponsor deadline date of June 1, 2015 or later. Summary of Significant Changes:
These are not the only changes to the Guidelines, and I encourage all Principal Investigators and department/unit administrators to carefully review the revised Guidelines, as well as the companion FAQs. We developed the FAQs to help promote a better understanding of the revised Guidelines. SPA will be holding town hall meetings to present and discuss the revised Guidelines and answer your questions. The meetings will be held at the following dates, times and locations:
If you would like to arrange for SPA to make a presentation regarding the revised Guidelines to your unit’s faculty and/or staff at an upcoming meeting, or if you have any questions regarding the revised Guidelines, please contact SPA Director Nancy Lewis at nrlewis@uci.edu or Assistant Vice Chancellor Bruce Morgan at Bruce.Morgan@uci.edu.
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