Research Continuity: Considerations in Case of a Strike

message from Pramod Khargonekar

Research Continuity:

Considerations in Case of a Strike

Dear Colleagues,

The United Auto Workers (UAW), which represents bargaining units at UCI for Academic Researchers, Postdoctoral Scholars, Graduate Student Researchers, and Academic Student Employees has authorized a strike vote. The vote is taking place this week, May 13 through 15.  If UAW members vote to strike, a systemwide strike may occur as early as tomorrow evening.

At this time, it is not known if a strike will take place, how long it could last, and what its potential impact on UCI’s research enterprise might be.  Therefore, I recommend that researchers immediately review their research continuity plans, which should consider a scenario where most research personnel (e.g., GSRs, postdocs, and professional researchers) are not available.

When reviewing their plans, researchers should consider the following (as applicable):

  • For research involving animals, plants, cell lines, and other valuable research assets, ensure that continuity plans address their on-going care and maintenance in a minimal staffing scenario. For research labs that care for their own animals, please contact ULAR to discuss the need for potential animal care support.
  • Safeguard critical data assets by backing them up, as well as ensuring their accessibility and security.
  • Postpone experiments if safety requirements and safeguards cannot be met or implemented with minimal staffing.
  • During a strike, campus community members and visitors to UCI may prefer to work or attend campus events remotely.  Consider this when planning research-related activities and events, including postponing such activities and events or offering hybrid options.
  • Check in with shared research facilities and resources to learn about their continuity plans.  Shared facilities and resources at UCI and other campuses may be inadequately staffed during a strike; therefore, please be aware of local situations before traveling to and conducting research at other campuses.

If you have questions, please submit them to

Pramod Khargonekar, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Research
Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

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