NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant Awards – FY 2012

NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant Awards – FY 2012


Important Points: Non-competing awards will be issued without cost of
living/inflationary adjustments in FY 2012 and inflationary increases
for future year commitments will be discontinued for all competing and
non-competing research. However adjustments for special needs (such as
equipment and added personnel) will continue to be accommodated. This
policy applies to all grants (research and non-research) when

FY 2012 awards that have already been issued will be revised to adjust
the award level and future year commitments in accordance with these

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends,
Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2012


This Notice supersedes NOT-OD-11-067 ,
and establishes new stipend levels for fiscal year (FY) 2012
Kirschstein-NRSA awards for undergraduate, predoctoral, and postdoctoral
trainees and fellows (i.e. issued on or after October 1, 2011).

Important Points: Tuition, fees and training-related expenses for
trainees and institutional allowances for Fellows remain unchanged. The
new stipend levels will provide approximately a 2% increase for all
awards made with FY 2012 funds.

All FY 2012 awards issued using FY 2011 stipend levels will be revised
to increase the stipend category to the FY 2012 level. For institutional
training grants already awarded in FY 2012, if trainees have been
appointed to the FY 2012 budget period, the grantee institution must
amend those appointments to reflect the FY 2012 stipend level once the
revised award is received.

The zero-level Postdoc Stipend is now $39,264; please use this level
stipend to calculate the graduate student compensation package allowed
by NIH.

Notice of Legislative Mandates in Effect for FY2012


The intent of this Notice is to provide information on various statutory
provisions that limit the use of funds on NIH grant, cooperative
agreement, and contract awards for FY2012. Please refer to notice for
further information.

Should you have any questions about any of the policy changes described
here, please feel free to contact your Contract and Grant Officer.

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