New NIH Policy on Efficient Spending Related to Grants Supporting
Conferences and Meetings
Effective immediately, NIH will implement the HHS Policy on Promoting
Efficient Spending : Use
of Appropriated Funds for Conferences and Meetings, Food, Promotional
Items, and Printing and Publications by modifying longstanding grants
policy. The new policy applies to awards supporting a Conference and/or
Scientific Meeting (i.e. R13s and U13s); however, other grant mechanisms
that are specifically issued to support conferences will be considered
on a case by case basis.
Important Points: Effective with grant awards (R13s and U13s) issued
on/after [January 27, 2012], a new term and condition which prohibits
food/meal costs from being supported or charged to NIH-supported
conference grants will be included: “Direct charges for meals/food and
beverages are unallowable charges to this project.”
For conference grants previously awarded with FY2012 funds, NIH will not
revise the award to modify the terms and conditions of the grants.
However, grantees are strongly encouraged to apply this new policy
broadly to all active R13 and U13 awards.
The policy does not apply to research grants and other mechanism that
are not awarded specifically to support conferences.
Should you have any questions about any of the policy changes described
here, please feel free to contact your Contract and Grant Officer.