Executive Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
Office of Research
University of California, Irvine
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 6:42 AM
Subject: eRA Enhancements: New Look for Delegations in eRA Commons Released Today, Monday, May 16
eRA Enhancements: New Look for Delegations in eRA Commons Released Today, Monday, May 16We are pleased to inform you that the Delegations screen in eRA Commons is moving to the new visual appearance being adopted by other eRA modules, as a result of a required technology upgrade that enhances the security and stability of the module. The refreshed screens are being rolled out today, Monday, May 16, 2022. The functionality and content remain the same. As a reminder, Delegations screens are used to either delegate your own authority to another user, or to delegate authority for one user to another user. Not all authority can be delegated, and delegation works within the context of roles. See the Delegations topic in eRA Commons online help for more information. As a result of the new look and feel, actions are performed differently, screens are organized differently, and the technology allows for some time-saving field functionality, shown below. Actions Moved to Three-Dot Ellipsis Menu The actions, such as Edit Delegations, Delete Delegations, and Select, which formerly appeared as buttons in the Actions column, are now found under the three-dot ellipsis menu. See Figures 1 and 3 (below).
Figure 1: The actions, shown on the main delegation screen, are under a three-dot ellipsis menu. Institution Delegation Screen Split into Two Tabs The Institution Delegation screen formerly displayed two tables of information, one to show current delegates, and the other to configure new delegations. Those two tables are now shown on separate tabs. Use the Current Delegates tab to view or revoke authority. Use the Candidates for Delegation tab to search for and configure new delegations. See Figure 2.
Figure 2: Institution Delegation screen shows data on two tabs. Type Ahead Technology Implemented Type ahead functionality has been implemented where appropriate in text boxes, allowing users to type a few letters of the name they are looking for, whereupon they are presented with a list of matching names. See Figure 3.
Figure 3: Third Party Delegates screen showing type-ahead field and three-dot ellipsis menu with actions. Toggles Replace Checkboxes Instead of checkboxes, toggles are used to select authorities to delegate. See Figure 4.
Figure 4: Select Delegation(s) popup showing toggles to select authorities to delegate.
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