Dear Colleagues,
The Award Transaction Summary (ATS) is replacing the “e-synopsis” and the award search!
Here are some final notes as we prepare to go live with KR Award on Monday, October 14:
·ATS notifications will be sent on a *nightly* basis to the PI, the administrative contact(s), and the SPA officer who finalized the award transaction. The email notification states that an award transaction has been finalized by SPA. The email contains basic details about the award and includes a link to the ATS, which is a new Cognos report.
oThe handoff from SPA to C&G Accounting occurs when the KR Award is finalized.
§No back and forth waiting for account and fund for SPA to finalize an award.
·A link to the ATS can be found on the Kuali Research Award portlet on the Research tab in Zot!Portal. Attached are instructions with screenshots for accessing and using the Award Transaction Search. You can also view this information on the KR Award website here: Please review so that you know what to expect once KR Award goes live on Monday, October 14!
·Notifications will also be send to the PI and administrative contact(s) when Subawards have been finalized.
·Also on a nightly basis, for New and Renewal awards, the administrative contact(s) will receive an email instructing them to send information to C&G Accounting in order to set up the account and fund in KFS.
Remember that Sponsored Projects and Industry Sponsored Research staff are learning a brand new award system. Even though we’ve conducted in depth hands on training sessions, there will likely be delays in award processing as they get adjusted to navigating through KR Award.
We are all thankful for your patience during this transition time!
Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA
Director, Electronic Research Administration
UCI Office of Research
141 Innovation, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
Ph: 949.824.4789
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