Kuali Coeus (KC) Replaces Administrative Approval (AA) Form

Just a friendly reminder. 


As of October 1, 2013, all proposals submitted to Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) for review and endorsement/submission must be routed through the Kuali Coeus (KC) system. The Administrative Approval (AA) form is hereby discontinued and will no longer be available for use and accepted by SPA.


If your department has not yet been oriented and set up in KC, please contact Barbara Inderwiesche, Kuali Coeus Administrator, as soon as possible in order to ensure readiness should a proposal come due for your department.


KC hands on training is scheduled through November of 2013 and is open for registration in the UCLC.


For additional information and resources regarding KC at UC Irvine, please visit www.kuali.uci.edu/kc .


Nancy Lewis

Director, Sponsored Projects


Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research

5171 California Avenue, Suite 150

Irvine, CA  92697-7600

PH:  (949) 824-2897

Fax: (949) 824-2094

E-mail: Nancy.Lewis@research.uci.edu



Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Kuali Coeus Administrator

UCI Office of Research

5171 California Avenue, Suite 150

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789 Fax: 949.824.2094

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To learn more about KC and to stay connected with the latest developments, please sign up for the KC-project listserv by sending a blank email to kc-project-join@uci.edu


Sign up for the SPA listserv emailing: or-spa-subscribe@department-lists.uci.edu or or-spa-join@department-lists.uci.edu.



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