Dear Colleagues,

Kuali Research (KR) will be down tonight from 8-9PM for our regular monthly deployment. In addition to general maintenance, some features of interest included in tonight’s deploy are:

·Maintenance tasks in preparation for KR Award

·Streamlined routing for Clinical Trials proposals through Neurology

·Streamlined routing for all proposals through Cancer Center

·NEW QUESTION! A new question is on the General questionnaire:

oWill this research need or use any IT systems, hardware, software, data management, or any other IT infrastructure or services? 

§IT infrastructure or IT services includes: 

• Infrastructure (computer systems, hardware, servers, storage, data backup, data center facilities, networking, network or information security, website hosting, cloud services) 
• High-Performance Computing 
• Server and system administration (Windows and Unix/Linux) 
• Database administration 
• Website hosting and management 
• Application development and integration 
• Any other IT infrastructure, systems, or services 

For more information on research IT services: 

• OIT research services
• Research Cyberinfrastructure Center (RCIC)

oA screenshot of the question is below:


oClick on the info icon for explanation:


oUpon proposal finalization by Contract & Grant Officers, a notification will be sent to OIT when this question is answered YES.

If you have any questions related to tonight’s KR deployment, please contact

Thank you!


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Director, Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

141 Innovation, Suite 250

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789



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