KR Downtime TONIGHT (01/23); 8PM

Dear KR Users,

KR will experience downtime this evening from 8PM-9PM for the regular monthly deployment. This month, we are upgrading from version 1805 to version 1810 – bringing us closer to current code. Some functional changes of interested included in tonight’s deploy include:

·Multiple PIs are in one workflow node

oFor NIH proposals, where one or more PI/Multiple (MPI) are added on the personnel tab, all MPIs will show in one workflow node in the Route Log. All MPIs will receive the approval emails and need to approve the proposal prior to moving to the next workflow node. The order of approval does not matter.

oHere is an example of how the route log will look with three MPIs:


·Sponsor & Program Information tab

oThere is a new CFDA section at the bottom of the tab. Although the CFDA Number appears to be a required field, the CFDA section is *not* required and can all be left blank.

image004.jpgimage2019-1-17 17:28:32.pngOrder of Supplemental Info

oWith new flexibilities in formatting the Supplemental Information tab, the fields have been reordered:


·To help identify which environment you are in, a banner has been added to the top of the screen (for all non-production environments):


Please let me know if you have any questions regarding tonight’s upgrade deployment!

Remember to save your work often!


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Director, Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

141 Innovation, Suite 250

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789



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