Dear colleagues,
On Wednesday we sent an email announcing the next Research Support Fair via Zotmail. This time the fair will take place in the bio/phys quad in Natural Sciences 1, Room 1114. If you missed the last one, in the social sciences quad, please consider attending. Please also share this message with faculty in your area, particularly if they are on the bio/phys side of campus and again if they missed the previous fair.
The event not only provides great information and opportunities for two-way interaction, there are also light refreshments and prizes to be won!
Hope to see you there.
Your friends in the …
From: Office of Research
To: School of Biological Sciences Employees, School of Physical Sciences Employees, Pharmaceutical Sciences Employees
Subject: You are Invited to UCI’s Second Touring Research Support Fair! – February 13, 2019
The Office of Research’s second touring Research Support Fair is coming to you on February 13th! The fair features welcome statements and a Q&A session with senior OR leadership including:
- Vice Chancellor for Research Pramod Khargonekar
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Engagement Craig Walsh
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives Hung Fan
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Administration Bruce Morgan
Our office, along with our partner research support offices, will be there to share information about initiatives, gather feedback from campus, and highlight the many resources available to our researchers. Please join us on February 13th! Get all your questions answered in one short afternoon!
February 13, 2019 – 12:45 PM – 3:00 PM Natural Sciences I, Room 1114
Check-in: 12:45-1:00 PM Introductions and Q&A Session: 1:00-1:45 PM Research Support Fair: 1:45-3:00 PM
This will be an informative, interactive, and fun event with prizes and light refreshments. No RSVP required. We look forward to seeing you there.
Questions? Please email