Dear Campus Users:
Thank you for your patience while we have been updating the data reporting system from “Data Warehouse” to “DWQuery” as a result of our implementation of KR Award. We understand the need for timely & accurate Proposal and Award data within your units and the campus as a whole.
While we continue refining DWQuery and making it available for use, we have developed two interim data reports utilizing the Cognos report tool that is meant to “fill the gap” for your internal data needs:
– All Award Report:
– All Proposal Report:
To run the reports, enter the date range for the data that you’re looking for, and then click “Finish.” Your results will be all data within your specified timeframe.
You can download the data into Excel and add filters to get the detailed information that you need by clicking the “Run Report” icon and then select “Run Excel Data”:
The dates used for the Award report is the “Finalization Date” – the day that SPA processed the award. The dates used for the Proposal report is the “Process Date” – the day that the proposal was submitted to the sponsor.
Please note: These two reports are “raw data” reports meant to be used internally until DWQuery is up and running. Please do not publish results from these reports for external use.
Please contact the ERA Team ( if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
The ERA Team