ERA Tools In Progress for NIH Biosketch and Other Support

Dear Colleagues,

To assist you in complying with NIH’s new requirements for Biosketches and Other Support (, ERA is working on refining and improving existing tools and reports below. The links to these reports are found on Zot!Portal, on the Decision Support page, in the OR Decision Support portlet.


·DW Query Contracts/Grants Ad Hoc Query

oAttached to this email is a guide on using this query to search for “active” awards and “pending” proposals

§For now, this query will only search individuals in the role “PI”

·We’re discussing ways to leverage this query to return all personnel listed in KR.

·Personnel Awards Credit by Role

oWe have changed the report criteria from Fiscal Year the award was finalized to Project Active Date.

oThe date entered (today as default) will return awards that have an end date equal to or later than that date.

oAwards will return if the person selected is listed in *any role* on the award.

oUP NEXT: adding proposal data

If you’d like more details on using either of these tools, please join us for ERA Virtual Office Hours every Wednesday, from 11:00-12:00 on Zoom.

We will keep you updated on our progress of these tools and welcome feedback as you navigate through them.


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Director, Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

160 Aldrich Hall

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789


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