Dear Colleagues:
I hope all is well with you and that you are preparing for the Holiday Season.
We are providing the following clarification and guidance regarding the revised ARRA reporting process and timeline for the reporting periods beginning January 1st, 2012. This guidance was formulated based on the many comments and suggestions that came out of our September 22nd overview session and feedback received during the October 1st reporting deadline.
Additionally, we have attached a PowerPoint presentation that reflects this guidance and we have updated the ARRA FAQ’s on our website ( accordingly.
Ø UCI is no longer using the “Best Available Data” model for ARRA reporting. As a result, all data elements reported must reflect current activity through the end of the reporting quarter.
Ø The deadline for completing reports in the Web Reporting Tool for the January reporting period is January 5th. If actual data is unavailable on January 5th for some data elements, please leave the information that has been populated in that field from prior quarter’s report and utilize the Correction Period to update the report with actual data.
Ø If you are able to report actual data for all data elements by the 5th of the month, please complete your report and submit it by pressing the “Submit Final Report” button in the Web Reporting Tool. Your report will be considered “Final” and will be submitted to accordingly.
Ø If you report a mixture of actual and estimated data on the 5th, please Save your report by pressing the “Save Report for First Submission” button in the Web Reporting Tool. The Saved report will be submitted to; however, the report must be updated during the Correction Period to provide actual data for those elements for which estimated data was reported. Once the report has been updated during the Correction Period, press the “Submit Final Report” button in the Web Reporting tool. Your report will be considered a Final report for that quarter and will be submitted to Federal after the Correction Period. Please note that the Web Reporting Tool will allow you to Save your report during the Correction Period prior to submitting the final version.
Ø Submitting the report means that it is considered a Final report for that quarter. If you submit the report and need to make subsequent corrections, you must contact Evelyn McNally at
Ø After consulting with other UC campuses, we have determined that it is appropriate to factor vendor payment credits into our vendor payment reporting. Please include any vendor payment credits that occur within the reporting quarter in your report.
Ø We realize that it is likely that vendor data and subrecipient data may not be available until after the 5th because of the closing date for the general ledger and the reporting deadline provided to UCI’s Subrecipients in the subaward. In those cases, please use the Correction Period to update those data elements with actual data.
Ø For the October 1st reporting deadline, OIT developed a Vendor Payment Calculation Module in the Web Reporting Tool that facilitates calculation and reporting of vendor payments under $25,000 by pulling in data from the data warehouse for the reporting quarter. The Vendor Payment Calculation module will not be made available for use; however, until after the general ledger is available for the last month of the reporting quarter. Thus, it can only be used to calculate and report actual vendor payment data during the Correction Period. Should you decide to use the Module to calculate your vendor payments, please follow the instructions above for submitting reports during the Correction Period.
Ø The option to enter vendor payment information manually is still available to you. Should you elect this option, you will enter the data as you have done in the past and submit your report during the Correction Period.
Ø Please note that you must choose one method for reporting vendor payments so that you do not over report.
We hope that this clarification and guidance is helpful. Please feel free to contact Evelyn McNally at or at x42214, should you have any questions.
Nancy Lewis
Director, Sponsored Projects
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