This is an open invitation to UCI faculty and researchers to attend an online panel discussion (tomorrow at 1:30pm) for the purpose of a high-level introduction to coronavirus biology and research tools for investigators considering entering the field.
Meeting ID: 231 812 5148
Password: 195016
We can accommodate up to 1000 attendees in the live meeting. For those who cannot join due to capacity issues or scheduling conflicts, the meeting will be recorded and made available on the Office of Research YouTube page by April 2nd.
Topics Include:
Coronavirus biology essentials: genome, structure and function, cell entry, replication, virus production
Michael Buchmeier, PhD, Professor, Division of Infectious Disease, Dept of Medicine, UCI School of Medicine; Dept of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, School of Biological Sciences, and UCI Center for Virus Research
SARS-COV-2 pathogenesis: translation from clinic to laboratory, regulatory and safety considerations, hosting the virus in model animals and tissue culture systems
Don Forthal, MD, Professor and Chief, Division of Infectious Disease, Dept of Medicine, UCI School of Medicine, and UCI Center for Virus Research
Monitoring SARS interactions with the immune system: tools and caveats
Ilhem Messaoudi Powers, PhD, Professor, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, UCI School of Biological Sciences, and UCI Center for Virus Research
COVID-19 at the population level: studying spread and estimating mortality burden
Andrew Noymer, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept of Population Health & Disease Prevention, UCI Program in Public Health, and UCI Center for Virus Research
Moderator: Ilhem, Messaoudi Powers, PhD
Chat mediator: Bert Semler, PhD, Professor, Dept of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, UCI School of Medicine, and Director, UCI Center for Virus Research