Ensuring Safety in the Research Community

Dear Colleagues:

Safety is critical to conducting high-quality research, which is why I am writing to highlight two annual safety requirements identified in UCI’s Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP):  1) safety self-inspection, and 2) chemical inventory validation.  In addition to addressing these two topics below, I’ve also included an update on UCI’s transition to a new chemical inventory system.

Safety Self-Inspections

All labs covered by the CHP must perform safety self-inspections at least once every calendar year.  The online tools and reference guide created by EHS can help labs fulfill this annual requirement.  Information on how to conduct the yearly safety-self inspections can be found at:  Laboratory Safety Program // Environmental Health & Safety // UCI.  Once on the webpage, please refer to the self-inspection dropdown for additional information.

Transition to UC Chemicals Near Completion

UCI is close to fully transitioning research laboratories’ chemical inventories to UC Chemicals, and EHS is working with each school’s leadership to identify labs that need to complete the transition process.  If your lab has not yet transitioned to UC Chemicals, please contact your EHS School Coordinator for assistance.   UCI plans to complete its transition to UC Chemicals by early 2023.  For more information related to the UC Chemicals Inventory Management System rollout, please visit:  Chemical Safety // Environmental Health & Safety // UCI, and refer to the resources under “Chemical Inventory Systems.”

Maintain and Update Chemical Inventories

Lab safety is paramount, which is why all labs using hazardous chemicals must regularly maintain and reconcile their chemical inventory as they dispose used chemical containers and when labs receive new chemicals.  The lab’s Principal Investigator is responsible for managing the laboratories chemical inventory and validating (signing/approving) the chemical inventory at least once per year in UC Chemicals.

Please remember that EHS will look for updated chemical inventories and completed self-inspection results in your Lab Safety Binder during annually scheduled EHS-performed lab safety inspections.  Please contact EHS at safety@uci.edu or your EHS School Coordinator for any questions or assistance with fulfilling these requirements.

We all must do our part to make UCI’s research facilities safe workspaces.  Thank you for your commitment to safety in research at UCI.


Pramod Khargonekar, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Research and Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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