Search Feature for SPA Departmental Assignment Lookup

Dear Colleagues,

Based on user feedback, a new “smart search” feature has been added to the Sponsored Projects Departmental Assignment website.

Click on the “Select a Department” area and a text box will appear where you can begin typing the department you are looking for. Results will be limited to those that contain that text. For example:


***If you visit this webpage often, in order to see the changes, you will likely need to refresh your page using the refresh button at the top of your browser window near the web address. Image result for refresh logo

For any questions or to provide feedback, please email

Thank you and we hope you enjoy this new feature!


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Assistant Director

Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

141 Innovation, Suite 250

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789 Fax: 949.824.2094


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