RMS Downtime TONIGHT 3/28 @ 5pm for 24 hours

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for the typo below… the downtime is for tonight, Thursday 3/28 from 5PM.

The ERA Team


From: or-era@uci.edu <or-era@uci.edu> On Behalf Of OR – Electronic Research Administration
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2024 11:25 AM

Subject: [Electronic Research Administration] RMS Downtime TONIGHT 3/28 @ 5pm for 24 hours
Importance: High

Dear Colleagues,

RMS will experience downtime starting tonight, Wednesday (3/28) at 5PM and will continue through 5PM tomorrow (24 hour downtime).

This downtime is required to accommodate the migration to a new server.

Please save your work and log out prior to the downtime.

If you have any questions, please let the ERA Team know.

Thank you,

The ERA Team

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