Dear Colleagues,
Effective today, NSF has deployed two new features now available on
– Three new proposal types (RAPID, EAGER & RAISE) are now available in;
– Removal of Font Type & Size Compliance checks
Please see the message below from NSF for details on these updates, and links where you can find more information regarding the changes.
Feel free to forward this information to your faculty.
Please let the ERA Team know at if you have any questions.
Thank you,
The ERA Team
Dear Colleagues:
Effective today, the National Science Foundation (NSF) enabled three new proposal types in the Proposal Submission System and in the recently launched demo site. These are the Rapid Response Research (RAPID), EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER), and Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) proposal types. New automated compliance checks and associated error and warning messages were also implemented.
In addition, based on feedback from the research community, NSF has removed the font type and font size automated compliance checks and compliance warning messages for proposals to align with FastLane and NSF policy.
New and updated system-related Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available on the About Proposal Preparation and Submissionpage via the left navigation menu.
RAPID, EAGER, and RAISE Proposals
- Proposers can now select a RAPID, EAGER, or RAISE proposal in the proposal creation wizard, in addition to the existing Research proposal option. These proposal types are also available in the proposal preparation demo site.
- New automated compliance checks for RAPID, EAGER, and RAISE proposals have been added to and are listed on the updated Compliance Checklist dated November 23, 2020 on the Automated Compliance Checking of NSF Proposals page. Error messages prohibit proposal submission to NSF, whereas warning messages still permit proposal submission.
- Refer to the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1) for RAPID, EAGER, and RAISE proposal requirements.
Removal of Font Type and Font Size Compliance Checks
- Although the automated compliance checks and associated compliance warnings for font type and font size have been removed, proposals may still be returned without review if the font type or font size is not compliant with the PAPPG Chapter II.B.2.a.
- Refer to the updated Compliance Checklist dated November 23, 2020 on the Automated Compliance Checking of NSF Proposals page for a complete listing of the current automated proposal compliance checks for proposals.
What’s Ahead? is being developed incrementally, and features are expanding to support the transition of all proposal preparation and submission functionality from FastLane to in accordance with NSF Important Notice 147: Implementation Update issued September 22, 2020. Please refer to the new Proposal Submission Capabilities list on the About Proposal Preparation and Submission page left navigation menu to see what is in development.