New Fields in Campus Data Warehouse!

Dear Colleagues,

Based on user feedback, the ERA team has added additional fields to the Sponsored Projects adhoc query in the campus Data Warehouse (

The new Award fields have been added and named:

·         Award PI Campus ID

·         Award Prime Sponsor Code

·         Award Prime Sponsor Name

·         Award Prime Category Code

·         Award Prime Category Description

·         Award Clinical Trial Phase


And the new Proposal fields are named:

·         Proposal PI Campus ID

·         Proposal Prime Sponsor Code

·         Proposal Prime Sponsor Name

·         Proposal Prime Category Code

·         Proposal Prime Category Description

Thank you to all of you for providing feedback on using the Sponsored Projects Adhoc query!

For any questions – or to provide additional feedback – contact the ERA team at

Thank you!


Jonathan K. Lew, MPA

eRA Officer

Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research



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