Dear KR Users,
KR will be unavailable TONIGHT (3/13) from 8PM – 9PM for the monthly deploy.
A couple items of interest for you within this deploy:
–KSAMS Caching
oIn the past, you may have received incident reports while navigating through KR stating either you didn’t have access to a particular document, or kicking you out of the system unexpectedly. Some of these errors were caused by KSAMS being temporarily unavailable. With the system now caching (keeping a local ‘copy’) of KSAMS permissions, even if KSAMS goes down, your access to KR shouldn’t be affected.
–Proposal Development document search
oYou can now search for proposal development documents by Initiator even if they’ve separated from the University
–Consolidated Org Hierarchy
oThe Org Hierarchy will now be in sync with KFS. This is in preparation for the KR Module.
Please contact the ERA Team ( if you have any questions or concerns.
Remember to save your work!
Jonathan K. Lew, MPA
eRA Officer
UCI Office of Research
141 Innovation, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
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