KC & Zot!Portal Access

Dear Colleagues:

You may have experienced problems accessing Zot!Portal and KC this morning. The IT team is currently resolving the issue.

In the meantime, if you need to access the KC functions, please use the direct links provided below.

We apologize for this inconvenience.


Jonathan K. Lew, MPA

eRA Officer

Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research


 cid:<a href=ED4554CB-4A52-4AD8-996F-2AEAF872AF9E@rgs.uci.edu”>

KC Tools

Click to see all your KC action requests

View/change action list and workflow notification preferences

Contact KC administrators with questions and/or issues

Submit feedback about Kuali Coeus at UCI

Access to Cayuse 424

KC Proposals

Initiate a new development proposal document

Access to Cayuse 424

Displays a list of proposals in progress (not submitted to workflow) initiated by you

Displays a list of your proposals enroute initiated by you

Displays a list of all the proposals initiated by you

Request a new sponsor code

KC Lookups

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