KC Tips: Hints & Tricks for Success in Kuali Coeus

Dear Kuali Coeus Users,


Below are two tips for our next installment of “KC Tips: Hints & Tricks for Success in Kuali Coeus:”


Tip #1 – Updates to the Questionnaire


On occasion, the need to update the Questionnaire in Kuali Coeus is required. This may be prompted for different reasons such as a change in policy, or to provide clarification on current policy.


If you’ve created a new proposal or have copied an old one in KC, and an update to the questions occur before your proposal document has been finalized, you will see the following notice indicating a new version of the questionnaire is available when you click the questions panel containing the update:




You will have the option to either copy over the answers you previously had saved to apply to the updated questions or you can choose to not copy them over and answer the questions again. Once you’ve selected your choice, click the “Update” button on the right side and proceed with your proposal preparation as usual.


The items in the Questionnaire should always be read carefully with each proposal you create – regardless of whether there has been an update to them or not. Accurate responses to these questions are crucial to the data integrity of the proposal file.



Tip #2 – The “Share Proposal” Button


Have you ever received a call from your PI stating that they can’t find or did not receive the email from KC with the link to access their proposal document in KC? If so, you can send them a link that takes them directly to the KC document by clicking on the “Share Proposal” button on the Key Personnel tab.





This will general a draft email containing the direct link to the KC proposal document. Add your PI’s email address in the “To” field and then edit the text of the email to provide guidance to your PIs on what they need to do next.







One final reminder: The next eRA Office Hours session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28th from 9am-12pm in AIRB 1020. Feel free to come by any time during this period for one-on-one assistance involving any eRA system. Please register on the UCI UCLC website by searching “office hours.”


Thank you,



Jonathan K. Lew, MPA

eRA Officer

Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research

5171 California Avenue, Suite 150

Irvine, CA 92697-7600





To learn more about KC and to stay connected with the latest developments, please sign up for the KC-project listserv by sending a blank email to kc-project-join@uci.edu


Sign up for the SPA listserv emailing: or-spa-subscribe@department-lists.uci.edu or or-spa-join@department-lists.uci.edu.



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