KC Tips: Hints & Tricks for Success in Kuali Coeus

Dear Kuali Coeus Users,


Below are two tips for our next installment of “KC Tips: Hints & Tricks for Success in Kuali Coeus:”


Tip #1 – Please Do Not Respond Directly to the KC-Admin Emails Received:


The emails you receive from “kc-admin@uci.edu” directing you to review and approve a Proposal Document are auto-generated by the KC system. If you have a question or want to let someone know that you’ve completed the requested task, please DO NOT reply to this email address. If you do, your message will be sent to all of the KC System Administrators (not your departmental staff).


Instead, click “Forward” to send your response to the parties you are trying to notify.


Messages should only be sent to kc-admin@uci.edu if you have technical questions regarding KC functionality. Technical questions regarding KC can also be submitted using the KC Support  link on ZotPortal.








Tip #2 – “Disapprove” vs. “Return for Edit”: What’s the Difference?


The “Disapprove” button found on the bottom of the Proposal Summary and Proposal Actions tabs should only be pressed if someone in your workflow wishes to Terminate the proposal. Terminating a proposal means the proposal document will be cancelled and you will have to start over with a new KC proposal document. Once the “Disapprove” button has been pressed, there is no way for it to be undone. Ask yourself before disapproving: “Do I want to terminate this proposal?”


If there are changes/edits required to be made to the proposal document, users in the workflow should click “Return for Edit” to send the proposal document back to the Initiator to make those edits. Doing this will keep the KC document active in the system and you won’t find yourself in a situation where you have to start all over.





We hope these reminders will be useful to you as you continue to work in KC on a daily basis. Do you have an idea or suggestion for improving KC? Please send us a message at kc-feedback@uci.edu. We are always looking for ways to make KC better.


If you come across a problem while working in KC, please use the KC Support link to submit a help ticket for assistance.


One final reminder: The next eRA Office Hours session is scheduled for Tuesday, March 10th from 9am-12pm in AIRB 1020. Feel free to come by any time during this period for one-on-one assistance involving any eRA system. Sign up on the UCI UCLC website by searching “office hours.”


Thank you!


Jonathan K. Lew, MPA

eRA Officer

Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research

5171 California Avenue, Suite 150

Irvine, CA 92697-7600





To learn more about KC and to stay connected with the latest developments, please sign up for the KC-project listserv by sending a blank email to kc-project-join@uci.edu


Sign up for the SPA listserv emailing: or-spa-subscribe@department-lists.uci.edu or or-spa-join@department-lists.uci.edu.





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