Dear Kuali Coeus Community,
KC will be unavailable tonight 7/27/2016 from 8:00PM-8:30PM for routine maintenance and deployment of enhancements. Please read below for items of interest.
Kuali Coeus Conflict of Interest (KC COI)
The ERA Team appreciates the feedback we received about our new online system to collect annual financial disclosures from UCI’s Public Health Service (PHS) and National Science Foundation (NSF) Investigators. To further streamline the process and improve ease of use, some updates and new features were added.
·Upon Investigator completing Annual Disclosure and clicking “submit”:
oInvestigator is redirected to his/her Master Disclosure document, where completion of Disclosures can be verified. (This also occurs upon completion of Travel Disclosure or NSF Disclosure.)
§Master Disclosure displays completion confirmation message.
oThe Action item disappears from the Action List.
·When Investigator is added to a PHS/NSF* Proposal, system generates automatic reminder email to him/her. This remains the same. However, to minimize confusion, the Reminder item will no longer appear on the Action List.
·New Notification upon Annual Disclosure completion. System generates automatic confirmation email to Investigator.
oSubject line of the email reads: “CONFIRMATION: Your Annual Disclosure is Complete!”
oEmail contains reminder to update significant financial interests (SFIs) when necessary and Annual Disclosure in Zot!Portal prior to expiration date.
·Internal changes for SPA users:
oAccess to view Master Disclosures for Investigators.
oPerson look-up function in Master Disclosure document returns value to the text box.
oSponsor Award Number in Personnel document can accommodate space character.
oSystem prevents generation of blank Personnel documents for old Continuing Awards.
To access KC COI implementation resources, transition period information, QuickStart Guides, training videos for the new Annual COI Disclosure process, please visit the Annual COI Disclosure Implementation web page. Please note that additional guidance will follow in the form of “Tips” later this week.
*PHS/NSF in this context is PHS, NSF, flow-through funding from PHS or NSF, and organizations adopting PHS or NSF regulations
Proposal Development (KC PD)
·Correction to routing rules when prime sponsor code type is Business/Profit Entity.
·Abstracts And Attachments Tab
oDelete function was occasionally failing in the Internal Attachments Panel. A fix is in place and Initiator and designated Aggregators are now able to delete attachments successfully as intended.
oCertain users reported routinely receiving an incident report error screen upon attempting to delete attachments in the Internal Attachments Panel. A fix is in place and Initiator and designated Aggregators are now able to delete without encountering the incident report.
·Questions Tab
oClarification to question language in Conflict of Interest Panel.
oInclusion of visible web links to Forms 800SR and 900SR.
·Proposal Actions Tab
oRoute Log
§Revision to correctly display “PI/Multiple” as approver label if the role is selected on a NIH proposal.
§SPA Officer Group Assignment remains flexible while document is “In Progress” to accommodate sponsor code or prime sponsor code changes.
·Users are able to filter Negotiation lookups by group (Federal, non-Federal, Clinical Trial, Industry).
·Subaward/Subcontract Number added as an editable field in Negotiations Attributes Section.
·Users are able to utilize Proposal search to locate a Proposal Document by Institutional Proposal Number.
Please contact if you have any questions regarding this scheduled downtime or anything else in the contents of this email. Thank you.
Alison Yeung, CRA
Business Analyst
Electronic Research Administration
UCI Office of Research
5171 California Avenue, Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
Telephone: 949.824.5427”>