KC Proposal Finalization Project

Dear KC Users,

The eRA team is conducting a clean-up of proposals in KC that have been submitted to the sponsor, but the data has not yet been finalized. Finalizing refers to the final data integrity check between the proposal package submitted to the sponsor and the data collected in KC. Once proposals are finalized in KC, they are pushed into SPA’s internal database that is used for campus reporting.

Many of the outstanding proposals have been returned to the Initiators to make minor revisions and we have not received them back into SPA’s queue. In the coming weeks, you may be contacted via email or phone by one or all of the following individuals who are assisting with this project:

Lucinda Wong ljw@uci.edu

Vi Chang vxchang@uci.edu

Adriana Ascencio ascencio@uci.edu

How can you help?


·Check your KC Action List today! If you have a proposal pending your revision, please make the revision and route it back to SPA at your earliest convenience.

·Respond timely if contacted by one of the above individuals.

·As we continue finalizing older proposals, PIs may receive an email notification stating that their proposal has been submitted. This notification can be disregarded. (The notification has since been disabled).

Remember that in order for the proposal to be available for campus reporting, it needs to first be finalized and we cannot finalize proposals when they are pending revisions with the Initiator.

Thank you in advance for your help!


P.S. I will be out of the office on maternity leave starting May 9, 2016 with a tentative return date of October 3, 2016. Please use the KC support link from Zot!Portal for any KC related inquiries and someone from the eRA team will get in touch with you.

Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Assistant Director

Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

5171 California Avenue, Suite 150

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789 Fax: 949.824.2094

cid:<a href=ED4554CB-4A52-4AD8-996F-2AEAF872AF9E@rgs.uci.edu”>

To learn more about KC and to stay connected with the latest developments, please sign up for the KC-project listserv by sending a blank email to:

Sign up for the SPA listserv by sending a blank email to:or-spa-join@department-lists.uci.edu“>or-spa-join@department-lists.uci.edu.

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