*Cayuse Notice* System Update on Sunday, December 27th

Dear Cayuse 424 users:


Evisions will be completing a system upgrade on Sunday, December 27th from 8AM-8PM. During this time, Cayuse 424 will be unavailable – please see the announcement below for details on the upgrade.


Please be sure to save your work prior to the downtime. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,



Jonathan K. Lew, MPA

eRA Officer

Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research



 cid:<a href=ED4554CB-4A52-4AD8-996F-2AEAF872AF9E@rgs.uci.edu“>


From: cayuse424-bounces@admin.cayuse424.com [4-bounces@admin.cayuse424.com] On Behalf Of Desiree Gregory
Sent: December 22, 2015 11:01 AM
To: Desiree Gregory <Desiree.Gregory@Evisions.com&gt;
Subject: [Cayuse 424 Users Listserv] *Maintenance* Cayuse 424 v6.8 arrives Sunday, December 27th
Importance: High


Hello Cayuse 424 Customers,


We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of Cayuse 424 version 6.8 on Sunday, December 27th.


Version 6.8 delivers:

  • New Form Version Supplementary Cover Page for NEH Grant Programs
  • NIH validations
    • Added Commercialization Readiness Program Validations
    • Added temporary validation for NIH Policy Changes
    • Reviewed NIH validations for the following activity codes:
      C06, DP1, DP2, DP3, DP4, DP5, G07, G08, G11, G12, G13, G20, RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4, S06, S07, S10, S11, S21, S22, SC1, SC2, SC3, UC1, UC2, UC3, UC4, UC6, UG1, UP5, X01, and X02. Also added support for new activity codes OT1 (Pre-application for an Other Transaction Award) and OT2 (Research Project — Other Transaction Award).
  • For Multi-Project applications, going forward, any Additional Indirect Costs are now added to the Summary Page totals (and will accumulate in reports).
  • Fixed erroneous persistence of Competition Title into Form fields for CFDA Description


We will also be performing infrastructure maintenance, which means all parts of the Research Suite (including Cayuse 424, SP and IRB) will be intermittently offline during this window.


The maintenance window will be as follows:

All Production and non-Production environments will go OFFLINE at 8:00AM Pacific Time on Sunday, December 27th.    

All Production and non-Production environments will go ONLINE at 8:00PM Pacific Time on Sunday, December 27th.

(11:00AM – 11:00PM Eastern)


Release notes will be posted to this page prior to the upgrade. If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit our HelpDesk Portal.


Your Cayuse 424 Experts,

Desiree & Evisions, Inc.


DesireƩ Gregory
| Product Support Manager

(503) 297-2108 Ext. 226


Need Help? Open a ticket here: Helpdesk button 3


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