Dear Cayuse 424 Users:
Cayuse will be releasing an emergency update TONIGHT from 5PM-8PM. During this time, Cayuse 424 will be unavailable.
Be sure to save your work and exit out of Cayuse before 5PM.
Please see below for details on the update. It is in regards to the new Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form.
If you have any questions, please contact the ERA Team at
Jonathan K. Lew, MPA
eRA Officer
UCI Office of Research
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Greetings Cayuse 424 User Community,
Cayuse Support has received reports of some technical errors with the study records in the new Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information (HSCTI) form. Here is a summary of the issues identified, what you can do to correct them in the short term, as well as Cayuse’s plan to permanently address them in a software release tomorrow night.
Cayuse 424 v8.1.2 will be released February 2nd. The maintenance window will be from 5:00PM – 8:0PM Pacific time (8PM – 11PM ET).
Issue #1: “Too many escaped characters”
In the study record of the HSCTI form, we have seen an error related to certain characters entered into the larger text boxes, like the Narrative Study Description (4.2.a). You will know that your proposal has this problem because it will fail during transmission to For now, we recommend avoiding certain characters on the study record in the HSCTI form:
This issue will be corrected during tomorrow evening’s release. However, if you are submitting tomorrow, please review our Help Center article describing the details of identifying and manually correcting this issue.
Issue #2: Formatting of text copied from word processing software
This issue occurs when a user copies and pastes into a text box in a study record of the HSCTI form. If the pasted data contains certain specific formatting information, the study record cannot not be opened after saving. This issue will not generate any errors – It manifests only as an inability to open the study record if the form contains bad data. This issue will be corrected during tomorrow evening’s release. However, if you are submitting tomorrow, please review our Help Center article describing the details of identifying and getting help to correct this issue.
For those of you preparing proposals for the February 5th deadline: We recommend waiting to submit your proposals after the Friday evening software release. If you wait until after the release, any proposals already in progress that are affected by these issues will be automatically corrected and no action will be necessary prior to submission.
During the maintenance window, Cayuse 424 will be intermittently unavailable, but all existing records will be preserved and no action will be necessary on the part of any end user. Please note, even if your application appears to be working, we strongly advise against attempting to enter data during the maintenance window. The Support team will send out a notification when maintenance is complete.