The Office of Research anticipates that the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation will again invite UCI to submit an application to the Beckman Scholars Program, which supports research by exceptionally talented undergraduate students working in chemistry, biochemistry, the biological and medical sciences, or some combination of these subjects. Please note that this is a highly-competitive institutional award to support established programs, not to establish new programs, nor is it an award given directly to any one undergraduate student. If UCI receives an award, relevant students may then apply to the Beckman funded UCI program.
UCI may submit just one application for consideration of an award, which typically requires an internal competition to determine who may go forward. However, due to the requirement that the award support an existing program that has demonstrated excellence, is restricted in its breadth, and based on previous years’ experience with this call, the Office of Research does not anticipate the need to conduct an internal review
In order to verify this presumption however, interested applicants are asked to send an “Expression of Intent” to the Office of Research by Friday, March 4th if they do intend to submit a Beckman Scholars application. This Expression of Intent may consist of an email from the PI(s) with a brief 1-paragraph overview of the proposed program and its participants, and should be sent to A campus internal competition will only be held if multiple parties express interest.
For more information about the Beckman Scholars Program please see (last year’s call): Questions about our internal campus review process may be directed to Greg Ruth at or x4-0372.
James W. Hicks
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research
Professor of Biology