The William T. Grant Foundation has announced its annual competition for the Scholars Program, which supports early-career researchers from the social, behavioral, or health sciences whose research contributes to a society that values young people and helps them reach their potential in the face inequality by race, ethnicity, economic standing, and immigrant origin status. The Foundation is particularly interested in interdisciplinary research that increases understanding of young people, ages 5 to 25 in the U.S. The program supports research in two focus areas: 1) programs, policies, and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes; and 2) strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth.
The Foundation will support four to six awards of $350,000 over five years. Candidates must be nominated by a supporting institution. Applicants must be employed in a career-ladder position at a nonprofit institution. Nominees must be within seven years of receipt of their terminal degree at the time of application (in medicine, the seven-year maximum is dated from the completion of the first residency). The award may not be used as a postdoctoral fellowship.
At least one mentor, who commits significant time and assistance to the researcher, must be identified. The school/unit must commit sufficient resources to carry out the five-year research plan. This includes computer equipment, colleagues, administrative staff, research facilities, and the balance of his or her salary, absent denial of tenure or dramatic reduction in institutional funding. At least half of the Scholar’s paid time must be spent conducting research
Since UCI may nominate one candidate from each major division, I am requesting that you establish a selection process within your respective schools/units and distribute the call internally to eligible researchers (please note that to avoid confusion we have not copied your faculty directly on this email as we typically do with other limiteds). The internal school/unit deadline should be set such that the review can take place and the candidate notified in ample time to complete the full application, solicit letters of recommendation, and obtain IRB approval (if needed) prior to the July 6, 2016 sponsor deadline.
Please note that the William T. Grant Foundation requires a “Letter of Independence of Multiple Applicants” which states that the UCI candidates represent distinct academic units. My office will provide this, but please request the letter by June 20, 2016 via email to
More detailed information about the W. T. Grant Scholars program is available at Questions about our internal processes may be directed to Greg Ruth at or campus extension 4-0372.
James W. Hicks
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research
Professor of Biology