UC HIPAA Research Authorization

UCI Human Research Protections – HIPAA

REMINDER: The HIPAA Research Authorization form is not the same as the
Notice of Privacy Practices Form that UCI Medical Center patients sign
prior to clinical care.

When HIPAA Research Authorization is required by the UCI IRB (as noted
on the UCI IRB approval letter), this specific UC form
must be signed to obtain permission to create, access, collect, or
disclose Protected Health Information for research purposes.* The form
includes the heading, “University of California- Permission to Use
Personal Health Information for Research.”

A UCI researcher recently discovered that the research team was using
the Notice of Privacy Practices Form to obtain HIPAA Research
Authorization. As HIPAA Research Authorization was not obtained using
the appropriate authorization form, as required by the UCI IRB (serving
as the Privacy Board), the data collected could not be used for research
purposes- including presentations and publications.

For more information about HIPAA Research Authorization:

*Other hospitals, medical centers, institutions or clinics will likely
have their own HIPAA Authorization forms for access to their medical
records. These entities may require that their form be used in addition
to the UCI’s HIPAA Research Authorization form.

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