What does the Interim Final Rule (IFR) mean?On January 17, 2018, in an 11th hour move, the sixteen federal departments and agencies that originally issued the Revised Common Rule with an effective date of January 19, 2018, published an interim final rule delaying the effective date and the general compliance date of the Revised Common Rule for six months, until July 19, 2018. In spite of the delay, UCI Human Research Protections is evaluating ways we can implement provisions of the Revised Common Rule that do not conflict with the pre-2018 Common Rule. This includes streamlining Continuing Review for non-federally supported expedited level research. More information will be forthcoming soon. UCI Office of Research will continue to follow updated notices and guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regarding the IFR, and will provide new information to the UCI research community as it becomes available.
Note: The IFR does not alter the compliance date of January 20, 2020, for the Revised Common Rule’s provision on cooperative research (including its single IRB mandate).
More news at https://news.research.uci.edu/ |