Kuali Research Protocols (KRP) Transition: Updated IRB Fees

The IRB fee schedule has been simplified.

Effective September 1, 2021, NEW clinical research protocols partially or fully supported by industry sponsors will be charged a ONE-TIME fee at the time of UCI or sIRB[1] approval.

The ONE-TIME fee will be $1500.

image003-2.png There will be no fee for amendments or renewals.

image003-2.png There will be no fee for unanticipated problems, new information or closing reports.

image003-2.png Currently approved protocols will no longer be charged.

image003-2.png De-Novo review will go away; KRP allows for Researchers to maintain their protocols using up-to-date templates.

This fee will adjust annually to align with HRP expenses. The rate will increase or decrease based on actual expenditures for the current fiscal year, and projected expenses for the following fiscal year.

For budgeting purposes, Researchers should assume that the future fee will be 3% higher than the current rate.

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[1] sIRB refers to a single IRB process, typically handled through a commercial vendor. A UCI IRB application is required to facilitate the sIRB process at UCI.

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