IRB Protocol Transcription is Complete!

***Please read and forward to your researchers***

Dear Colleagues,

This email is to inform you that the protocol transcription project for IRB protocols is now complete. This excludes exempt protocols which will still need an adhoc transcription. The Temporary Transcription Team (TTT) has transcribed 1500+ protocols from our previous system(s) into KR Protocols. Due to the work ethic and teamwork of the TTT, the transcription project is complete six months earlier than anticipated!

There will, of course, be some loose ends to address as you navigate your protocols in KR Protocols.
 There are new and/or modified questions that were not previously part of the protocol, which will need to be answered or verified during the next transaction for the study. As part of your next transaction, please thoroughly review your protocol for accuracy. You might encounter sections labeled with “Please update” and this will need to be addressed as part of your next transaction. To avoid delays in the review and approval process, it is very important to review and complete any sections of your protocol that need updating due to the form changes in KR Protocols.

For any transcription related questions or technical issues, please email“> For all IRB related questions or regulatory guidance, please email“> .

Thank you all for your patience during this transition period! We are grateful to partner with you.


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Director, Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

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